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electric karma subway surfing blues – comic book & cassette

Remember those Read-A-Long books you had when you were a kid? Well that's what this is like. By listening to the cassette and reading along with this amazingly drawn comic-zine you'll feel like you're getting reincarnated on the K-Y line as a slippery, screaming 600-volt cry baby! Surf the cosmos with a trainload of cranky senior-citizen union workers, and watch an evil corporate exec' get reincarnated and die an instant-karma cockroach death, SPLAT!


$10.00 / each x ______ (quantity) = ___________ (sub-total)

+ $3.00 shipping & handling = _________________ TOTAL


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Street address _____________________________________

City __________________ State _____ Zip _____________



Print out this page. Fill out order quantity and total. Print name and address. Mail check or money order to:

mind plasma! by tj richter
1923 Sherman Avenue, #22
Madison, WI 53704

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