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finger of god

Finger of God (A Tribute to DJ Craze)

“WHOA!” The first time I heard DJ Craze scratch I was totally amazed, watching his finger bend like some double-joined alien’s, with sounds so fantastic, SCRATCH! “This is the finger of God,” I thought, “like Jimi Hendrix's finger playing The Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock at dawn when everyone was TrIpPiNg oN AcId.” As Craze’s set climaxed I had a vision of some new electronic religion: PA speakers became preachers giving the good word, “Have a dream!” We are all dancing & praising & praying, “WOO-HOO!” lasers showing the wondrous colors heaven beholds, ZE-YOW! Through the smoke of fog machines, Craze floats like a messiah in the clouds, flipping through records like pages of a holy book, backstage roadies surrounding him like choirs of angels, “AH!” their eyes mesmerized in a TRANCE...Trance...trance... The music starts pounding louder and louder inside my chest, ba-Boom! Ba-BOOM! until it becomes part of my own soul, and in a moment of clarity I realize: GOD IS A DJ! Craze, this tribute is to you, the greatest scratcher in the world, thank you. We love you like a brother, and we love you like a mother’, PEACE!

by TJ Richter

© November 1, 2001 Theodore J. Richter

Like a bass-craving giraffe, TJ hyper-extends his neck to watch Craze hyper-extend his finger...the finger of God! Arcanum, Chicago, January 26th, 2002.
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